Thursday, February 01, 2007

Group says John Paul II to return as anti-Christ

When Pope John Paul II died we at Spero News wrote a few articles looking at how some extremist Christians were linking his death to End Times Theology.

Well, it continues.

World's Last Chance, a group that takes reading the Bible to all-new-extremes, claims to be "exposing one of the last unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible. Specifically, World's Last Chance believes that they have found clues within scripture that suggest Pope John Paul II is coming back ... and will be the next pope after Benedict XVI.

That's right, as crazy it sounds, they believe that Pope John Paul II is going to magically appear here on earth and make our lives hell. With folks like this, it's no wonder that Christians get a bum rap.

"How will the next pope be John Paul II?" says Dahlia Doss of World's Last Chance, "According to the book of Revelation in the Bible, chapter 17, it will appear to the entire world that John Paul II has returned from heaven, but in reality, this phenomenon, as prophesied, will be a demon impersonating the deceased John Paul II."


This really should be filed under "humour".

"The Bible, and the Bible alone, is their creed and rule of faith because God's Word is infallible," claims the group, which adds that "adhering to the Bible only, rather than man's tradition, inspires them to call attention to the fact that God's holy day of worship is Saturday."

Bible alone theory: a blight on Christianity. If this doesn't prove it doesn't work, I don't know what does.