Monday, February 26, 2007

Brilliant Idea: Mobile CPC's in New York City

An anti-abortion group, once investigated for unauthorized medical practices, today is launching a new front in the battle: free sonograms in front of South Bronx abortion clinics.

Women coming to the clinics will be met by sidewalk activists from EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers, who will invite them into a 32-foot, ultrasound-equipped van for a hot drink and the not-so-subtle suggestion they change their minds.

"We want them to see the baby, hear the heartbeat and think seriously about what they're doing," said EMC President Chris Slattery.


What a brilliant idea. When sidewalk counsellors talk to the women coming in and give them information about a CPC, there's always a chance they won't visit. This way, they get to SEE the ultrasound.

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