Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bloggers report: Heather Stilwell back in the race?

Perhaps you'd read the story about how Heather Stilwell was not accepted to run for the nomination in Newton-North Delta.

Two bloggers are reporting that she was let back in the race after pressure was put on the party.

Langley Politics and Lost in Surrey

According to Lost in Surrey:

Stilwell has a huge fight ahead of her. We last reported Paul Brar had more than 3,000 members signed up, we are now hearing that number is more than 5,000.

Stilwell has described her sign ups as in the hundreds.

Langley Politics says:

Stilwell's papers have been accepted. I guess they figure Heather can't win. [One of her opponents] Paul Brar has signed up 12,000 members. 12,000!

Alert all the so-cons in Newton-North Delta.

UPDATE: I am getting more indications that this is indeed the case, and she is in the running.

UPDATE: There could be more to this story...stay tuned!