Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Answering Planned Parenthood #2: On the term "pro-abortion"

Part 2 in the series Answering Planned Parenthood

Pro-Life: Use of the term "pro-abortion" to refer to those who support the right to choose a safe, legal abortion. [They don't even phrase it the way a pro-life would say it. Patently disengenuous]

Planned Parenthood: We are pro-choice. "Pro-abortion" is inaccurate, as it implies favoring abortion over childbirth. We support reproductive freedom, which means that an individual woman should be able to make her own choice.

Why are they against being termed "pro-abortion"? Is the word abortion "icky" to them? If I am pro-American, does that mean I don't support other countries? No. It means that I support the policies of THAT country. "Pro-abortion" means you are favourable to abortion. If Planned Parenthood isn't favour to abortion, I don't know who is.

I also think it's disingenuous to say that "pro-abortion" is not synonymous with "reproductive freedom".

Feminsts believe "reproductive freedom" requires abortion. They are quite happy to leave women make their own individual choices. (At least that's the official line of the feminist movement. There's ample evidence that women are co-erced into them.) The lack of abortion amounts to compulsory pregnancy in the Planned Parenthood mindset. Therefore, abortion and reproductive freeom go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. So they definitively are "pro-abortion".