Monday, January 29, 2007

Why not kill newborns while we're at it

To commemorate the anniversary of the 1988 Morgentaler decision, BigCityLib quotes Morgentaler as saying:

"It is accepted wisdom that prevention is better than a cure," Morgentaler says. "To prevent the birth of unwanted children by family planning, birth control and abortion is preventative medicine, preventing psychiatry and prevention of violent crime."

Why stop there? Why not just kill newborns while we're at it?

Seriously though, why can't we simply show families of "unwanted" children that they should love their kids, and how to love them?

Are we giving a pass to people to basically say that it's okay to not want (re: not love) their kids?

If people have children, they have a moral obligation to love them. Period. I don't care what the situation is. Whether the child is in the womb or not, the child deserves to be thought of first.

The whole quote by-passes the real debate: which is the status of the unborn child. Pro-lifers are portrayed as opponents of an act, not defenders of a person. By being portrayed as opponents of an act, we're seen as moralizers.

This is why we should have a fetal rights movement, not an anti-abortion movement. The fetal rights movement should be seen in the larger context of the pro-life movement. We have to start talking more about Charter Rights for unborn children, less about criminalizing abortion.