PIERRE, S.D. -- A federal appeals court has agreed to rehear a challenge of a 2005 South Dakota law that would require doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure ends a human life.
Under the law, doctors would be required to give the patients a written document including the statement that "the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being."
The state argues that the required information is medically accurate, supported by science and would not curb reasonable access to abortion.
Kate Looby of Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls, the only clinic that provides abortions in South Dakota, said the organization believes the court will decide the law is an unconstitutional attempt by the state to force its ideology on patients and to force doctors to say things they may not believe.
Here's an interesting contrast.
Pro-abortionists wants to uphold conscience rights, in a sense, by not forcing doctors to say thing they don't believe, even though it's obvious, by all the laws of biology, a fetus is a human being. A patient should have informed consent and know what this operation entails.
But God forbid a nurse doesn't want to participate in an abortion. SHE must act against her conscience.
It sounds to me more like PP wants to impose its ideology on the state (and on science).
It's a fact: by all the laws of biology, a fetus is a human being. Otherwise, what kind of organism is it? Someone once told me that it was "just a fetus". That doesn't work. That's like saying "it's an adult". An adult what? An adult kangaroo? An adult orangutang? Adult and fetus are stages in the lives of mammals, not designations for species.