Friday, December 01, 2006

Where's the Outcry from Canadian Women?

The ABC's to Learning on reaction (or lack thereof) to the closure of SOW offices:

I'm waiting for the huge outcry by women as liberals so often claim that women are opposed to this and this attacks their equality. Okay, let's assume this is true for one minute. Where is the outcry? I know I sound like Marvin the Martian here when he says, "Where is the kaboom?"

UPDATE Dec. 2nd 5:48 AM:

A reader writes:

I am a member of one of the teacher unions and we have received a card all set to go from a coalition of unions, with only our M.P.'s name needed to be added, in order to decry the cuts in funding to women's groups. I plan to send mine saying I support it!

Good idea! I encourage all members of unions to do that.