Abortion is not murder. If a woman is having an abortion they are removing a fetus from their body, rest assured that is exactly what it is. It is not a child, a beating heart and innocent soul.
Well, thanks for clearing up that debate. Except we call the fetus a "child". And yes, fetuses do have beating hearts.
It is a tiny fetus that feels no pain yet, as nerves are developed later in the pregnancy. It doesn’t cry, because to cry it would require both oxygen and lungs – it has neither.
Fetuses have lungs, beginning early in the development. The lungs aren't used because they are filled with fluid until birth, when they cough up the liquid and start breathing. The fetus takes oxygen from red blood cells in the umbilical cord.
So, technically there is no cutoff for termination of a pregnancy. However, since abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, professional practice standards have been created to guide medical practice. Generally the cut-off date is at 23 weeks. Exceptions exist but no legitimate doctor would perform an abortion past this point.
Of course they would. Quebec Health Minister Phillipe Couillard recruited an abortionist specifically to do those kinds of abortions, because the Quebec government was paying to have late-term abortions past 24 weeks to be performed in the United States. Most abortionists won't do late-term abortions (not even Henry Morgentaler), but some will.
I wonder how the letter writers would feel if their 12-year-old daughter got pregnant after being raped.
There are pro-lifers in the world whose 12-year-old did get pregnant and they did not make her get an abortion. Sincerity or hypocrisy does not prove or disprove a point.
Would you expect your child to live with a constant reminder of what happened to her? What if your teen was about to head off to med school, suddenly she makes one mistake and discovers she is pregnant. Would you have her give up her future to have the child?
I would expect any children I had, regardless of the circumstances of their pregnancy, to respect my unborn grandchildren.
Rest assured, making abortion illegal in Canada would not stop women from having abortions.
Laws against murder don't stop all murders either.
Abortion is an issue on which people should agree to disagree and keep their opinions private. It is not something that should be decided by the masses.
Who deserves equal rights is something that a whole society must decide.
The writer was able to make her case by completely brushing aside in one sentence the notion that fetuses are people too.
This is the assertion that must be debated: THAT UNBORN CHILDREN ARE EQUALS.
I cannot repeat this enough. If we do not assert this repeatedly, ad infinitum, and make the case for the equality of the unborn child as the primary goal (not just the criminalization of abortion) the opposition will never debate the issue.
And we must have this debate to advance our side.
The issue is not so much "abortion is murder". That's like telling the world "bug stomping is murder". Before they can acknowledge abortion is murder, they must be able to acknowledge unborns are equals. That's the message they must receive and assimilate.