Friday, December 15, 2006

If a fetus dies stillborn, is the father legally the father?

MADISON, Wis. The state Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether a man can claim fatherhood simply to sue over the death of a stillborn child.

Two years ago, a pregnant woman was in a car accident that resulted in the death of her 27-week-old fetus.

A man claiming to be the father filed a paternity suit so he could sue the woman's insurance company. The accident left the woman legally incompetent to either confirm or deny the identity of the father. The stillborn infant was buried shortly after he was delivered, further complicating the identity of the father.


I'd never thought of this, but yes, an unborn child has the right to a mom and a dad. He has a right to the family.

I generally think of an unborn child's rights being limited mostly to the right to life.

Maybe it's time we wrote an unborn child's Bill of Rights.