It appears I have struck a nerve with some of the ladies at Bread n Roses.
So some of the ladies at Bread n Roses and I were having a discusson at Abandoned Stuff about abortion, specifically Elizabeth May's comments about abortion.
Well, I, all by my lonesome, positively scared the crap of out of some of them.
That's what ONE dedicated pro-lifer can do. You can get people talking about fetal rights, if you raise the issue, and if you confront them about their disrespect for the unborn child.
Some of the misinformation:
The group of cells which are not even attached to the womb until about 10 to 12 days after conception are not called a foetus until 10 weeks into the pregnancy. I would be willing to bet that most abortions take place within the 10 week period.
The difference between a fetus and an embyro is that that the embryo is still developing the systems to sustain life, while the fetus has them, if only in a rudimentary fashion. A fetus has a heartbeat, brainwaves, and so forth.
They're called fetuses about 8 weeks past conception. We have no complete numbers about when abortions are done, because abortionists don't have to give them.
Toedancer asks:
9. Female Supremacy - What the hell is that? What is their argument for that? Where can I find?
The idea that when it comes to the woman or the baby, the woman is superior, much like the White man considered himself superior to the Black man in 19th century America. We can find a parallel in the Dred Scott ruling, in which the Supreme Court said that the Black man has no rights that a White Man is bound to respect. In the same way, Canadian pro-aborts say that the unborn child has no rights that a woman is bound to respect.
They think that the fact a woman is older, more developed and is carrying the baby, she is not bound to acknowledge any rights on behalf of the unborn child. So the woman has the right of life or death over her child, just like the White Supremacist thought he had the right of life or death over slaves or over Black people in general.
Just like the Supremacists of old used "States' Rights" and wifebeaters used the classical liberal idea of what goes on in man's home is none of the government's business, so they use the notion that what goes on in a woman's body is no one's business, even if we're talking about the DEATH of a CHILD.
They will try, in every way, to convince people IT'S NOT A CHILD. Except that even hardcore feminists acknowledge IT'S A CHILD.
Just check out one Bread n Roses poster who came back from an ultrasound:
Just had our 20 week scan this morning. One boy, one girl. Two very happy parents!
See? They're PARENTS. That implies they have a CHILD.
The poster even named her kids:
Thanks, folks. We're pretty stoked. We got to see them interacting quite a bit today during the two hour(!!) scan session. Betty was kicking Bob in the head and he was raising his arms to block her feet. Then she head butted him, flipped around and rubbed her backside in his face.
Things we wouldn't even do to a pet, they think should be legal ON THEIR OWN CHILDREN.
And you know what? That poster would be okay with the "CHOICE" to kill ONE'S OWN CHILD.
Toedancer writes:
Participate in liberal and pro-choice blogs by posting comments informing people about abortion news and supporting reproductive rights.
I strongly recommend doing the same, excepting posting about unborn rights, and how these people DISCRIMINATE against their own children.
You can keep track of the political blogosphere here.
UPDATE: Anne cameron at En Masse says:
I am struck by how vehement the compulsory pregnancy people are on behalf of a few ounces of undeveloped mass, and how cavalier they seem when that mass has been nurtured, cared for, protected, fed, clothed, and given medical care until it is 150 pounds and hanging out at the pool hall with a doobie in it's mouth.
Here's a picture of this "undeveloped mass"
Yeah, we're all dumb, awing and cooing over ultrasounds,us moms. We're emotionally invested in a few ounces of "undeveloped mass".
It's never an "undeveloped mass" when the mom loves him.
Not all the time, but often enough to be of concern, it is the very ones yammering in support of compulsory pregnancy who make the most noise about the amount and kind of taxes we all pay. Ready to fight on behalf of something which is nourished by someone else's body resources, but not willing to do much to feed it once it emerges.
Because it is number one, the parents' responsibility to do it. Number two, it's the community.
But no, I have no problem with social programs that actual SERVE people and produce RESULTS. Social assistance and EI are not problems for me. Useless agencies like SOW are.
UPDATE at 11:33 pm
Toedancer writes about me:
She can spread her tentacles far and wide, it will come to nothing. EVERYONE knows she has a little too much interest in the topic, too much interest in the needy persuasion, it simply isn't taken seriously by the serious thinkers of abortion and women
Yeah everyone knows that I won't be taken seriously, which is why fern hill freaked and started posting a thread to respond to all those things that people will not even believe.
I do not have to convince the "serious thinkers of abortion", i.e. pro-aborts. I only have to convince people. Plain and simple. The "needy persuasion" is a bit rich, considering fern hill's thread. Sounds like others have needy persuasion, too.
Fetal rights advocates, keep at it. We will persuade people.