A reader sent this letter to Editor:
"Recriminalizing" abortion -- in the sense of having any legislation governing it -- is completely consistent with the last majority decision of the Supreme Court on the issue. Madame Justice Bertha Wilson, writing one of several majority decisions, stated that it was clear that at some point the rights of the fetus overtake those of the mother. She left it to legislators to consult with experts to define that point. She also stated that she expected continuing medical advancements -- allowing a fetus to survive outside the womb ever earlier in their gestation -- would cause that point to move closer and closer to conception.
What clause in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives women the right not to be offended or protection from having their self-esteem threatened while the rights of unborn children are ignored. I hope that CUSA's misguided motion is challenged in court. I am willing to donate time and money to that important cause.