Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why poor-choicers are losing

Jivin Jehoshaphat has a very pertinent post on why poor-choicers are losing in the US.

Ann links to a web game from Planned Parenthood of Illinois where people looking to get prescription for emergency contraception are confronted by protestors with various signs including "I miss the 50's!," "Keep women BAREFOOT & PREGNANT," "Conditions for sex: married, procreating, missionary position," and "Birth Control is for LOOSE WOMEN." I wonder how often individuals protest Wal-greens (or other pharmacies) over carrying EC. If you've ever been to Chicago (where I swear there's a Wal-Greens on every corner) you know that task would be impossible.

Ann writes, "If I'm not mistaken, these are all things the anti-choice crowd believes."

You are mistaken and the fact that you think these are all things prolifers believe shows you haven't really tried to understand the positions and beliefs of individuals who are prolife. You'd rather just presume their beliefs are foolish or old-fashioned.

Not that I'm one to help out the opposition, but it seems the tactics of the poor-choice movement for the first twenty years was to create a strawman stereotype then spread that slander to prop up so-called abortion rights.

As more and more people discover the truth about pro-lifers and see past the hyper-inflated rhetoric, they will come to realize that lack of substance to the poor-choice position. It's a position based on a lot of lies and slogans, not on reality. They have to create, believe and project these lies about pro-lifers to make their case.

I am confident that Canadians will soon begin to see through these lies and the belief in fetal rights will gain currency in Canada. I already sense some small, but potent momentum that is bouying up our cause. When the momentum for fetal rights gains a critical mass in Canada, I'm certain the poor-choicers won't know what hit them. They'll turn around one day and wonder how this all happened. They will have been blinded by their own rhetoric, success and hubris.