Sunday, November 19, 2006

Speaker sees no opposition in opposing gay agenda in Russia

Here is an excerpt of an alert from Defend the Family that I received through email:

Dear Pro-Family Friends,

I have just returned from a two week mission trip to Blagoveschensk, Russia, in the Amur Province east of Siberia on the northern border of Manchuria, China. There, I delivered 17 lectures at 7 secular colleges and universities. My topic? How the homosexual movement destroys family-centered societies. It is a subject only the most stalwart conservative groups in the U.S. (including churches) would dare to explore, but I delivered these lectures to secular college students -- and was opposed by not one single student of the approximately 2,000 I addressed. In fact, I lectured directly from my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party in one of the most "liberal" of all the classes (on comparative religion) and was ringingly endorsed by the professor (who then invited me to submit an article on the subject for their national journal of religion). I received strong applause and many "thank you"s from a large class of performing arts students (whose counterparts in the US would have set the very classroom ablaze to silence my message).

The moral of the story? God governs in the affairs of men. These earthly empires and institutions are temporal. Fifteen or twenty years ago Christians were being jailed for confessing their faith in Russia. Today there is greater religious freedom in Russia than in the US for Christians who dare to uphold God's standards on marriage and sexual conduct. What an amazing reversal of fortune.

I am now working to build an alliance with the Russian Christians, who may be our most unappreciated friends in the world. It is possible they will re-Christianize Russia (and the former Soviet countries) the way the "gays" are now de-Christianizing America -- through dedicated pro-active culture-shaping activism. I return to Latvia in December, Lithuania in March, and am scheduled for a 20-city tour of Russia next summer. Meanwhile, I am working directly with the Russian communities in Seattle, Sacramento, and (next week) Springfield, Mass (where I will lead a "Christian History of America" tour to Plymouth Rock on Thanksgiving weekend for a large Russian-speaking church).

After years of fighting personal discouragement over the decline of family values here in America, I am re-energized by the prospect of tapping the strength of a new international coalition of pro-family activists in our continuing US culture war.

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