Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pope butt of too many jokes, Vatican says

Italian newspapers are saying that the Vatican cannot take a joke after Pope Benedict's secretary said he had had enough of TV and radio satires including a sketch in which the non-smoking Pope was said to be "smoking like a Turk" in preparation for his forthcoming trip.

The big question on the front pages of Italy's newspapers yesterday was not the bankruptcy crisis facing the country's rail and airline networks but whether it is politically correct to joke about the Pope, Reuters reports.

"The Vatican doesn't like satire," La Repubblica commented, after the Vatican reacted to a recent flood of television and radio shows poking fun at the Pope.


They cite one priest, and it turns into "The Vatican says...".

I say fight fire with fire. Maybe the Vatican (or whoever is unhappy) should hire some writers, make a video satirizing the offending parties, and YouTube it. It'd be a big hit.

That's the way you fight the culture war.