Wednesday, November 22, 2006

More about the Imams taken off the plane in MN.

This is an update about the story of the Imams taken off the plane.

According to JihadWatch:

Omar Shahin, spokesman for 6 imams removed from flight, doubted Muslims were behind 9/11 and admitted ties to Osama
Omar Shahin is one of the imams removed from a flight in Minneapolis. He was involved with Kind Hearts, which has been closed down for its connections to Hamas. He also acknowledged a connection to Osama bin Laden in the 1990s in a September 28, 2001 story in the Arizona Republic (thanks to Austin): "Arizona Was Home to bin Laden 'Sleeper Cell,'" by Dennis Wagner and Tom Zoellner. From that story:

Arizona appears to have been the home of a "sleeper cell" of Osama bin Laden's worldwide terrorist organization, with a select group of operatives living quietly in bland apartment complexes and obtaining flight training in preparation for the Sept. 11 attacks.

This doesn't address what happened on the plane, but it possibly offers some insight as to why the Imam was kicked off the plane.

H/T: Relapsed Catholic.