Monday, November 27, 2006


Judy Sgro says that Conservative Party policy sends a bad message:

“I think Harper and his Conservative government, based on their policies, would clearly prefer women would stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and move us backwards 40 years,” she said.

What does that mean?

We know that conservative women aren't all barefoot and pregnant. I'm not, and I'm a fairly conservative woman.

I am betting most conservative women aren't.

What does it mean when she says that?

She damned well must know that most conservative women aren't subservient.

What she is doing is preying on popular prejudices to get her way.

That's called DEMAGOGUERY.

What that means is that you cannot trust that politician. That politician will say anything to get ahead.

This must be loudly denounced.

Judy Sgro is a DEMAGOGUE!