Wednesday, November 15, 2006

France: abortion more profitable than giving birth

According to a report by Géné

The French minister of Health announced that the maternity ward (I understood it to be in a hospital) in Granville, France, would be closed and replaced witha "perinatal centre". Beginning next year, this centre would take charge of pregnancy follow-up, preparing women for birth and of committing abortions.

In a letter to the editor of Ouest France, demographer Jean Legrand deplores the closure, saying this maternity ward sees 500 births a year."We will be able to have an abortion, but not give birth." To give birth, he says, women will have to go 18 miles away at the hospital in Avranches, which is a long way in case of an emergency.

The decent thing to have done would be to have transferred the abortions.

This choice was made, based on the fact that abortions are more profitable that births.

This from a country that is desperately trying to raise its fertility rate.

Here's a tip: you have it backwards.