I've been anxiously awaiting an update of the REAL Women online newsletter to see what they had to say about the events of last summer regarding the feminist counter-offensive against REAL WOMEN.
Conservative bloggers, I just want to say: we have a lot to be proud of.
Gotta love this part. When REAL Women were reviewing the documents that were going to be released under an access to information act, they came across a very interesting memo from SOW:
Since the documents to be released under the Access to Information Act involved REAL Women, we were required under the Act to acknowledge the release of these documents, which we were invited to review before they were released. During the review of these documents, we came across a departmental memorandum, dated April 19, 2006, advising the regional directors of the Status of Women of an important teleconference call to be held later that day to discuss "REAL Women".
What the hell is that all about? Why are these bureaucrats trying to pick on a private group? Why are they politicking like that? Their job is to take direction from the government, not plan counteroffensives against groups.
And what a coinkedink:
Shortly after that conference call conducted by the Status of Women, feminist columnists began to attack REAL Women after years of ignoring us.
They can't ignore you now.
They also got a lot of hate mail.
REAL Women has also received some nasty, even vile e-mails and letters from feminists. The latter do not take a back seat in viciousness to some of the e-mails we receive from homosexual activists. (We keep these letters and e-mails all on file for future use).
Yeah, we saw that on the blogosphere. I will relish when those emails are pulled out and published for the world to see.
REAL WOMEN also wrote:
Further, there is no reason why the Status of Women is included in the Cabinet. Why don't the disabled or aboriginals have a place at the Cabinet table? Why do "women" as a group, have priority? Why not men? The argument that women as a group require special recognition because they are "victims" of a patriarchal society is long outdated. The vast majority of women are capable, independent and perfectly able to make their own decisions about their lives.
I couldn't agree more. Disabled people, like my daughter, are far more in need of advocates than women in general. I wouldn't want a whole movement to speak in my daughter's name, but surely they are more vulnerable than most women.
Yet, letters to MPs are flooding in, supporting the purported vital work of the Status of Women.
It is likely that the issue of the Status of Women will also be used by the opposition, encouraged by the public servants employed by the Status of Women, to attack the Conservatives in the next election, probably arguing that they are anti-women and biased.
We must oppose those MP's who claim feminists speak for all women. I am sick and tired of that spiel.
Here, REAL Women acknowledges the contribution of conservative bloggers.
REAL Women's concerns about the Status of Women however, continues to gain momentum and support especially from conservative internet blogs. This intense support from the bloggers was noticed by Canadian Press which published an article on the large number of blogs supporting REAL Women. The Canadian Press article ran in nine major daily newspapers across the country and resulted in REAL Women having many media interviews about the Status of Women funding. In short, the Status of Women counter offensive backfired on it.
No one has dared to criticize the Status of Women before.
Well that's going to damn well change if I have anything to say about it.
Here's another day in Parliamentary History that could be used for a future (conservative) Heritage Minute:
However, it was M.P. Belinda Stronach, (Newmarket - Aurora) who got down right rude and insulting when she stated:
The Prime Minister's Chief of Staff, Ian Brodie, has said that the organization, REAL Women, raises, interesting points that warrant close inspection. This is a group that is anti-choice, anti-gay, does not support equality for women and wants to obliterate the Department on the Status of Women. This group's website even has links to sites that suggest that day cares do not care and homosexuality is a psychological disorder.
With budget cuts on the horizon, who is the minister listening to, Ian Brodie, the right-wing organization, REAL Women, or will she stand up and defend the rights of Canadian women?
I want to add that promoting equal rights for Canadian women is never a waste.
In response to Ms Stonach's remarks the Conservative MPs pounded their desks and called out "hurrah for REAL women"
So REAL Women are not Canadian women, eh?
I am sick to death of this crap. These feminists must be made to acknowledge that they have no moral or democratic right to speak for all women.