The Daily Mail reports that 7 out of 10 Brits are members of a disadvantaged minority. In the next two years, the government will add two more groups. If you take into account that a person can be a member of more than one disadvantaged group, 109 per cent of the British population is victimized.
I hope these figures are popularized in the mainstream media. The absurdity of it all will spell the decline of victimology.
It's a racket:
Belonging to a victim group means the opportunity of financial gain and promotion at work, and the chance to denounce enemies to police or in the courts.
Official victims, all with their own state apparatus to advance their claims and prosecute their enemies, include all women, all ethnic minority members, and all disabled people. They are represented by the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality, and the Disability Rights Commission.
If you have three squares a day, a job that pays the bills and a decent family life, you're not a victim. I don't care what your background is.
And even if you don't, chances are it's due to bad choices. A lot of people are born to unfortunate circumstances. But many make a decent lives for themselves in spite of the obstacles. The truth is, many people make bad choices when they should have known better. They do drugs, don't take school seriously, sleep around or sleep with the wrong people, and generally don't obey the rules of life. That's not to say we shouldn't help these people. But their unfortunate circumstances are often the product of their own willfully ignorant choices. The sooner people accept that fact, the sooner they can stop being a victim and take responsibility for themselves. This is the ultimate source of empowerment. There people in this world who were dealt an extremely bad hand and still manage. With all the social toxicity our society experiences, there's no way that it's all the product of a conspiracy to keep people down.
H/T: Gay and Right
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