Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why is this okay?

Rob makes an interesting point about the Mark Foley scandal at Say Anything:

Say you have a sixteen-year-old daughter. Your daughter is out having sex with people you don’t know without your knowledge. She gets pregnant. She goes to a guidance counselor and tells that counselor that she’s pregnant but doesn’t want to tell you, her parent, because she knows you’ll get really mad at her. This counselor asks the girl if she’d like an abortion. The girl says yes and the counselor - rather than informing you, the parent, of your daughter’s irresponsible sex life and pregnancy - arranges for her to cross the border into another state to get an abortion without your knowledge.

Democrats think this is ok. They think 16 year-old girls should be able to make decisions about their sex life and about abortions without their parent’s input. So if that’s ok, then why can’t 16 year-old boys decide to have cybersex with U.S. Representatives?

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