Tuesday, October 31, 2006

U of A writer: conjoined twins should've been aborted

This editorial in the University of Alberta student newspaper addresses the issue of the conjoined twins who were recently born in British Columbia. She says the mom made the wrong decision because it's questionable whether the twins could live a fulfilling life.

She says:

Tatiana and Krista are currently undergoing tests that will determine whether or not they can be successfully separated, for the girls aren’t only joined by the skull—they share similar brain tissue that controls speech and vision. The two were lucky to be born at all; whether they can live happy, fulfilling lives after being separated—or after not being separated—is definitely questionable and will, undoubtedly, be the cause of a lot of strife. It’s true that having an abortion could’ve created a lot of ill-feelings and guilt on Simms’ part as well, but chances are that the emotional effects of an abortion would—and will be—a lot less than what Simms and her children are going to go through.

Yeah, because it's all about the mom. Not about the unborn children themselves.

but when the future problems are as abundant as the ones faced by the girls, sometimes a rational decision based on their self-interest needs to be made.

Love that: aborting them is in their best interest. Yeah, I've decided for you that killing you is in your best interest.

Sometimes words fail me. People's idea about what is loving is so twisted, the words fail me.