This story says that a documentary aired on Danish public television showed that Danish women were going to Spain past the Spanish 24-week limit to get abortions (Denmark's limit is 12 weeks). A hidden camera filmed one doctor offer to abort a healthy 31-week-old fetus.
The documentary also mentioned an interview with a woman who contacted the clinic to abort her baby when she was 7 months pregnant.
Please note-- this would be perfectly legal in Canada. And feminists are A-OK with this. Abort a 31-week-old fetus? No problem. Only women have rights. Not unborn children. Even feminists who have personal issues with abortion will not support ANY protection for children at this stage.
And note what one physician said:
"This is a healthy child of 31 weeks and three days, which would not have had any problem surviving. You kill it and then abort it. In my view that is murder," chief physician Charlotte Wilken-Jensen of the gynaecological unit at the Amtssygehuset hospital in Roskilde said.
This is not some toothless redneck drop-out from the Ozarks. This is gynecologist.
In Europe, they are aghast when they hear there are no legal limits in Canada. They can't believe it.
It's time for legal rights for unborn children.