Thursday, October 19, 2006

Catholic Bishops: All Talk, No Action

According to Lifesite News, the Bishops have been discussing the issue of Catholic politicians who deny Catholic doctrines.

Bishop Fabbro said:

The bishops addressed matters of life and family and Catholics in political life, but, said the bishop, it was a matter of pastoral discussion of issues rather than making resolutions.

Asked if the Canadian Bishops would be taking action on Rome's direction to refuse communion to obstinately pro-abortion Catholic politicians, Bishop Fabbro said "no, we haven't made a decision to do that." He explained that in the area of life and family and politics, "we didn't have any specific resolutions, it was to deepen our understanding and have an opportunity as bishops to talk pastorally about the issues that we have been facing."

*SIGH*. I hate to say "I told you so". But I told you so. The so-called scolding of the pope had ZERO affect on the bishops. It's the same old, same old. No action taken.

For those of you who are not in the know, the word "pastoral" these days is code for "we don't want to offend anyone or step on anyone's toes".

And why, why, why do they need to deepen their understanding? They're bishops! Bishops should understand this rudimentary idea: when you publicly dissent against the Catholic Faith on a fundamental doctrine, action should be taken.

How hard is that to understand? They're supposed to be the experts in the Faith!

They are supposed to be fatherly. Any parent understands that if you do not discipline children by making sure there are consequences to their actions, they will continue to disobey and even push the limits further, until eventually they will behave as if there are no limits.

And why are they having this conversation now? It's a matter of too little too late.
When is the hierarchy going to do something, instead of just putting forward more words?

As long as political correctness reigns in the Catholic hierarchy, nothing is going to happen. No one will be disciplined and the faithful will not get the message that it is a serious breach of faith to vote for things that are intrinsically contrary to the faith.