A British government report says that teens should be told about the benefits of abortion in school during sex-ed.:
Schoolchildren should be given compulsory lessons about the benefits of abortion, ministers' advisers on sex education claim.
Abortion should be included in teaching about sex to ensure that girls who become pregnant 'can make an informed decision' about whether to have one, they said.
And the abortion teaching should combat 'myths' that turn teenagers away from terminating their pregnancies, a report for ministers said.
It cited the idea that abortion can lead to infertility as misleading.
The recommendation from the Independent Advisory Group on Teenage Pregnancy would mean - if accepted by the Government - that pupils would be taught about abortion from the age of 11.
"Girls make an informed decision."
uh NO-- it should be the PARENTS making decisions for the kids.
Kids can't drive, can't vote, haven't graduated from high school. What makes people think they can make sure life-altering decisions? They've already messed up enough by going out and getting pregnant. That's evidence they're already prone to not having good decision-making skills.
The group, which reports to Education Secretary Alan Johnson and Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, has repeatedly called for sex education classes to be made compulsory and to include testing for all pupils down to the age of five.
What kind of sicko wants to give five-year-olds sex ed? They should be concerned with Tonka and Barbies, not the bird and the bees.
She added: "Many myths prevail, including the fact that abortion may lead to infertility, which the Advisory Group is concerned may be a contributory factor to repeat abortions."
Translation: pro-life information is filtering through to kids. Keep at it British pro-lifers!
Phyllis Bowman of Right to Life said: "It is absolute rubbish to say that young people do not know about abortion. They know only too much about abortion.
"The education establishment has continued to ignore the results of 30 years of its policies on sex education which has pushed abortion under the noses of young people."
Once upon a time, there wasn't this ridiculous teen pregnancy rate. There wasn't this ridiculous abortion rate. Why? Because we protected the innocence of kids! We didn't let them see everything and know everything. They don't need to know everything! They're kids! They shouldn't be engaging in sex in the first place. It doesn't make you a prude to want to hide this from kids. It doesn't mean you're anti-sex. It means you're thinking of the KID'S welfare.
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