Sunday, September 17, 2006

Muslims protest at Westminster (with pics!)

Joee Blogs has a fascinating report about the protest at Westminster Cathedral in London. The Muslims showed up right in time for Sunday Mass.

Go over there and give him some traffic!

This is what blogging is all about-- bringing you what other sources can't or won't.

Nice going, Islamofascists.

H/T: 416centerist at Free Dominion

UPDATE: England's The Sun Online has an article.

Sorry ... Pope Benedict apologises in Rome yesterday

The Pope apologised not for his actions, but the reactions they caused, leading to claims he did not go far enough.

Meaning he still stands behind what he said...which was all true.

The Muslim Council of Britain welcomed his words — but an Islamic extremist said the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Muslims should be “subject to capital punishment”.


The radical — a right-hand man of hate cleric Omar Bakri — was speaking at a demonstration outside Westminster Cathedral. Protesters carried banners reading “Behead Those Who Insult Islam”.

Okay, people like that who call for the killing of those who dissent should be prosecuted or deported. It's as simple as that. If you don't value genuine tolerance, go back to where you came from pal. That's what people come to the West for, not for tyranny.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Good insight at Wheat and Weeds:

For days I was planning a post on the odd and intriguing story of Br. Roger of Taize's coming into full communion with Rome. I was going to connect it to this story from last year, about a book by Protestant author Mark Noll which argues that all the reasons for Protest might be over (I haven't read it yet; I think that's what it argues). But then all over the net I saw Muslim radicals bombing or threatening not just the Pope, not just Catholics, but any old Christians --shooting an elderly nun in the back in Somalia, threatening the Pope outside Westminster Cathedral, firebombing Orthodox and Anglican Churches in the Holy Land --and I realized our dream has come true: now all Christians are united under the Pope!

Very interesting.

Too bad it couldn't have happened the first time around in the sixteenth century. I suppose this is coming full circle.

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