Sunday, September 17, 2006

In contrast...Here's an abortion clinic blog

I like to talk about Why Have You Forsaken Me, one of my favourite blogs. It's the blog of Patty, a sidewalk counsellor. It talks about what goes on outside the clinic.

Well, abortion clinic days talks about what goes on inside the clinic.

Sort of. They concentrate ONLY on the woman. NEVER on the fetus.

This blog makes me so mad, I could scream.

Here's a statement that made me mad:

our patients included a couple whose baby had severe abnormalities

A BABY! Can you believe that-- they will KILL A BABY!


The writer sounds oh-so nicey nicey. But doesn't ever DARE consider what is being done to the baby.

but knowing that many many others also conclude that abortion is best for their families,

Best for families? Killing the offspring is best for families

Yeah, they used to think that way about PAGAN ROME.

but can move on with their lives knowing that their abortion was safe, that they did the right thing regardless of what anti abortion protesters might say or think.

How do they need such convincing? They must KNOW they're killing their BABY.

We live in a sick society.

It is SO high time we grant unborn children legal rights and protection.

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