Sunday, September 24, 2006

Five Things Feminism has Done for Me

5 Things Feminism Did for Me

1. Made sure that my unborn childern did not receive legal protection from criminals.

2. Shut me out from having any voice on women’s issues, based simply on the fact that I don’t toe the feminist line. Then the feminists turn around and claim to speak for me.

3. Pushed for a tax-paid childcare system in Quebec that I never got to use in the two years I was there because the waiting lists were so long. And even if I had gotten a phone call, since my schedule was not 9-5 would have been useless to me.

4. Has completely screwed up the Catholic Church, so that now in every theology faculty trying to shove their dissenting views down the throats of faithful Catholics.

5. It has propagated the idea that a stay-at-home wife is a useless woman who is wasting her life and talents taking care of her kids. When people hear I’m a stay-at-home wife, they have no idea of all the intellectual pursuits I have– because stay-at-home moms are naturally stupid, wouldn’t you know…

H/T: Dust My Broom

I tag Dianne, Kathy,Hunter,Frank, and Smok

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