Every so often, you read an op-ed on the net that just says it all for you, and just needs to be said so badly.
This op-ed by Nancy Levant describes with precision the conflict between political feminists who support SOW and those of us women who want it eliminated.
You see, it's not about religious/secualr, left/right, or any other political or cultural dialectic.
Now the feminist movement crafts our opinions for us and leaves us with no options minus those of their invention.
One might have expected gratitude from Westernized women for their liberation, for in truth it was our Constitution, our American sensibility, and American males that allowed women’s liberation to come to fruition in this nation. American men did in fact allow us to experience freedom in much the same way that they acknowledged the wrongness and sinfulness of human ownership and slavery. And for the record, this acknowledgment occurred in record historical time. But women’s gratitude did not transpire. American women do not experience thankfulness for their freedoms. Instead, they literally handed freedom and liberation to another master called “feminism,” which now dictates and legislates our opinions on just about every subject.
Goddess forbid that people think that gender differences are biologically inherent. Or that gender roles can be effectively used to efficiently organize society, all the while making the bulk of people of both sexes happy. I'm not saying women should NEVER be plumbers or men should NEVER be nurses. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see women will like caregiving roles better than those involving tools and machines, and even if the pay is lower, will choose those occupations and roles.
You don't have to be Bible-believing fundamentalist to believe that.
You do not have to believe in God to believe abortion is wrong. You do not have to be traditional to observe that men are generally better at some things than women (and vice-versa)and that to re-engineer the sexes to be like the other in every way, is futile.
You are not an idiot for thinking those things. You're not a bigot. You're not a chauvinist. You're not an oppressor of women for having that conclusion. The real oppressors are those who would never let people (especially women!) have an opposing thought.
Political feminism, in this writer’s opinion, has again degraded the brainpower and contributions of women.
That's right. Just check out all the derogatory remarks on the blogosphere about traditional women, who should go back to "baking cookies" and are "too busy doing laundry", as if a clean house and enjoyable food are no part of any family's life (my goodness- family life, what a quaint concept).
And the “rights” of feminism are misnomers. This is where the belief in unalienable rights comes into play and contradiction with politically motivated rights – and particularly the rights of political feminism. Feminist “rights” are not rights whatsoever. They are created out of thin air to forward political missions. Unalienable rights simply exist as a result of God, decency, morality, and humanity.
You have no argument from me.
When you are talking about massive global population reduction, you are, in fact, talking about the control of women, their bodies, their unalienable and biological rights to pregnancies and babies, and marriage. Keep in mind that marriages are “licensed.” Don’t think for one second that further “controls” can’t be implemented via these “licenses.” Remember that Chinese women are allowed one baby (in some cases, two babies). “Be fruitful and multiply..” (Genesis 1:28) becomes an atrocity to the global movement and to political feminism. Here you see the womanly dilemma of unalienable rights vs. political intentions.
Feminism in America has taken the rights of women and implanted a new philosophy – a socially engineered, think tank doctrine – to eliminate the most fundamental rights and biological functions of womanhood. But why don’t we see this? How did the feminist movement, which claimed to represent the rights and needs of women, twist the most fundamental knowledge and instincts of women? I believe they accomplished this most devious and inhumane mission by 1) eliminating the opinions of women with brute political force built upon the profits of the abortion industry, and 2) by partnering themselves to globalist dollars (huge money) and missions – like the United Nations, for one.
Isn't it ironic? They scream "reproductive rights", but when it comes to forced abortions in China, most feminists are silent. Most feminists don't defend the teenager who was raped by her step-dad and is FORCED to have an abortion to keep him from going to jail.
If women are “liberated,” why do we need or continue to allow feminist organizations to lobby on our behalf? Why do we continue to support feminist organizations with our donations? For that matter, why are there two genders? Does the feminist movement and philosophy have the power and intelligence to change fundamental biology, to recreate the fundamental meaning of womanhood, AND to mandate their rules and opinions upon every American woman (or every woman on the planet)?
I just had to post this because it's so true.
Political feminists are the enemy of women. If we disagree with their campaigns, we are considered to be ignorant idiots to be fought. They are no more or less than all previous gender enslavers, and we must get that through our thick and drugged heads. Freedom and liberation do not need masters, self-proclaimed intellectual elites, and social engineers!!
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