Friday, August 18, 2006

Why Moderate Muslims Don't Speak Out

Still, Americans keep asking why Muslims in America don’t do more. Here are some answers: The media doesn’t give conservative, patriotic Muslims any coverage. We don’t have a voice in the media. Americans don’t seem to know or care that when a Muslim does stand up, we don’t have any protection against hate mail and death treats. We are in a “catch 22”, sitting on a double-edged sword. Nothing we do seems to be right. If we don’t speak up, we are considered passive. If we do speak up and receive hate mail and death threats, we are told you are on your own.

Case in point: A mullah friend of mine who spoke against terrorism at a mosque in Vancouver, Canada received death threats from hardliners in Canada. If he had not stopped speaking up, he would have been killed.

I receive hate e-mail from radical Muslims threatening physical harm and telling me I am serving Satan and going to Hell. The government of Iran has been hacking and repeatedly shutting down my website for the past year. I have reported these threats to authorities, senators and members of parliament in Canada and the United States. No protection from any authority has been granted.

If I put in bold is true, there should be a public investigation of this. Politicians should definitively be involved.

I want the moderate Muslims to stand up. I want to out the radicals. I want them gone.

Please stop asking what moderate Muslims have done to stop the terrorists. If you want to help us and help yourself, give us a voice. Give us media attention so we can tell our side and we can help fight the terrorists. Don’t give terrorists all the attention. Don’t fall prey to their trick. That is what they want.

I am only one blog, but if the moderates speak up, I will report it.

H/T: Freedom Zone

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