Monday, August 07, 2006

Religion-Free Christianity *roll eyes*

It's been tried. It's been a dismal failure. But it's being tried again. An English clergyman by the name of Rev. Ian Gregory is trying to dispense of all that "religious" stuff in creating a Christian community.

Out goes the "archaic mumbo-jumbo" of church services and the "silly arguments about things that don't and shouldn't matter"; in come chats about anything that makes you feel good and the world's first dedicated "laughter room" because "laughter is as important as prayer".

Yeah. That's EXACTLY what Jesus had in mind. It's all over the Gospels. Not.

"People are fed up with religion. The bar-room talk is that it causes too much trouble in the world.

Yeah, base a religious denomination on the criticisms of people who know little about religion and want nothing to do with it. That's a great idea.

The traditional Sunday morning service will be replaced by "coffee and laughter" - videos of classic comedy films during which people will be able to come and go or read the Sunday papers over tea and toast.

Which they can happily do at home. What the hell is the point???

Mr Gregory, a colourful figure who prefers bright ties and a trilby to clerical garb, will then be available to people for "one to one personal consultations" and "healing prayers".

Or they could go to a shrink.

"He saw the way people were disillusioned with church, but attracted to Jesus Christ,"

I sometimes think people are disillusioned 1) because it doesn't live up to their version of theology or 2) they expect perfection.

Being committed to Jesus Christ means more than reading a paper and watching a video.

H/T: The World...IMHO and Religion News Blog

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