I've been meaning to write a while about Gerard Raymond (1912-1932), a young man whose cause has been submitted for canonization. But I don't know the status of the cause.
Gerard Raymond grew up in Quebec City in the early twentieth century. He is known through a journal, which he kept for five years, and which documents his resolutions and his spiritual progress, as well as his daily life.
I discovered Gerard Raymond when I found a book about him in a used book shop. The book is old. It's called Une âme d'élite-- I guess you could transliterate the title as An Elite Soul. Produced in 1932 by the Séminaire de Québec, Gerard's alma mater. It's a short summary of his life.
The thing that makes him a tough subject to write about is that Gerard lived an otherwise ordinary life. He didn't do anything grandiose, like convert people or heal anyone or perform any sort of miracle. He liked to blend in with the crowd, although he was an extraordinary student, often at the top of his class.
So it's hard to make his life seem dramatic. It wasn't.
What makes him special is the constant desire for holiness, and the piety with which he lived every aspect of his life. He makes living a life of daily holiness seem possible.
Just to give you an idea of the kind of soul he was, I want to translate and transcribe his resolutions for mortification, that he set down on April 28th, 1929, when he was just shy of 17:
Practices of mortification to reduce the flesh:
I. EATING (mortification at the table is the alphabet of the spiritual life).
1) No sugar in food (oatmeal), nor in drink, unless it shows singularity.
2) Always eat less of what I prefer, and more of what repulses me.
3) Quickly swallow delicious food; taste more slowly those that are less so.
4) No sweets between meals.
5) Never ask to eat in between meals-- wait for an offer-- otherwise go without.
II. THE EYES (the mortification of the eyes is the guardian of the heart)
6) Keep eyes low everywhere when it is not necessary to look.
7) Study every day without raising them from my desk.
8) During class, do not look outside.
9) Never look at a book of pictures out of curiosity's sake.
10) Never read any newspaper other than l'Action Catholique. I have plenty to inform me from that paper.
11) Only when it profits me from a spiritual or literary point of view.
III. THE TONGUE (the tongue is the university of sin [and the editor notes: He transliterated St. James' universitas iniuitatis, which should be translated the world of iniquity-- {SUZANNE: but I think it's a cool translation!}])
12) In general, only speak when spoken to.
13) Be slow to speak before speaking [in French, the idiom "se tourner la langue"-- meaning to think before speaking]
14) Never speak of myself unless asked.
15) Never complain about anything.
16) Patiently endure teasing and malicious words, without answering.
17) Keep from saying a provocative word.
IV. THE OTHER SENSES ("He who performs external mortifications, saying that the interior ones are more perfect, shows clearly that he is in no ways mortified, neither interiorly nor exteriorly." -- St. Vincent de Paul).
18) If I realize I am "too comfortable" change position or take one that's more difficult.
19) Never cross my legs.
20) Never rest my back against the back of a chair, except in the case of singularity.
21) Go through the day without touching my face.
22) Recite three "Ave Marias" with my hands underneath my knees.
23) Wear garters as tight as possible.
24) Never take the streetcar to get to class, except in cases of absolute necessity; never under pretext of fatigue.
25) Throw myself off the bed when it's time to get up.
26) In bed, lie down on my back, straight, not curled up like a cat. Put a board in my bed.
27) Wear a knotted leather belt.
28) Do not get up during study time to listen to conversation.
29) Make up a daily schedule and follow it to the letter.
Gerard Raymond's journals are full of such resolutions. He made several of such lists. And he always laments that he fails to live up to them, yet, just the fact that he tries to do this is so wonderful! He is very serious about pursuing a life of holiness.
His eyes were constantly fixed on God and on doing God's will. One of his desires was to be missionary, and God-willing be a martyr of the Chinese "Bolchevistes" (Communists).
Tonight, I prepared a report that I will present to the ACJC [Jeunesse Catholique-- the Catholic Youth Group] on Bolchevism (especially from the religious point of view), its consequences and remedies. While reading articles on Russia, I saw certain declarations from Soviet atheists, who called themselves ennemies of God, whom they proclaim is the enemy of humanity, who fight Love and live by hate. Pardon, my God, I believe in you, I love you, I want to defend you and die for my faith, martyrized...by the Soviets of China. I want to live by love, love Jesus, love my neighbour, love Jesus in my neighbour.
Can you imagine anyone today saying that, let alone a seventeen-year-old kid?
Here's another entry from his diary, June 26th, 1930:
In the evening, I hurt myself: I stepped on a nail. This morning I cannot walk. Last night, the pain kept me up for a long time. God be blessed! During the night, I woke up many times. I slept badly. God be blessed! Therefore, today I am sick-- which doesn't happen very often. God be blessed! It is not often that I have the chance to suffer, I must welcome with joy and zeal this occasion that presents itself. When the pain is too strong, and I want to complain, I look at my crucifix...
A last entry, July 9th, 1931:
It is not for me to tell you what to do with me. I am yours, do what you please. But you know my desire: to be a martyr, in any kind of torment: a torment of a day, or a torment of 50 years-- to expiate the sins of men and to save souls, to satisfy the justice of God, and to die of love from your hand, ravished by the waves of your infinite tenderness.
He died the following year July 5th, 1932.
I hope some day the Church in Quebec issues an edition of his diaries, because this is what the world needs: models of holiness. In this literate age, his journals would be eaten up and followed.
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