Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Please thank CTV Newsnet

Folks, today, I was ASTOUNDED. CTV Newsnet interview Gwen Landolt by herself in like a five minute interview on the issue of female breadwinners. Gwen really did us proud-- didn't sound angry, just really level-headed and common sensical.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write CTV and THANK THEM for having put a so-con on the air and tell them you hope they do this more often.!ctvPop/News/Feedback?

Even if you didn't see the interview, just say you heard about the interview, and you're sorry you missed it and you hope to see more of this in the future.

Here's my email:


I would just like to thank CTV Newsnet for interviewing Gwen Landolt of REAL Women on the issue of female breadwinners. It is so refreshing to finally see a non-feminist speak out on women's issues, and a social conservative at that. I appreciate CTV Newsnet interviewing people with a wide variety of political backgrounds, and I look forward to more interviews with social conservatives. I still remember CTV's coverage of the March for Life last May, when no other national network did so. I will definitively commend you publicly for your interview.

God Bless.!ctvPop/News/Feedback?

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