The bigotry against the unborn continues among feminist militants. At Rose's Place (affiliated with Bread n Roses, the Canadian Feminst Message Board), Debra rails against the American Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act. She writes:
In yet another example of how the right cares more about the unborn than the already living,
News flash: the unborn child is alive. He is a member of the human race. That fact may be inconvenient to you, but it's an incontrovertible scientific fact. Even many abortion "providers" agree with this. Learn to accept the plain facts of your case.
the House of Representatives is bringing forth a bill which will require doctors to tell women that the fetus they are about to terminate
Notice the euphemism "terminate". The correct word is killed.
will feel pain from the procedure and should be given anesthetic over and above whatever is offered to the woman herself.
You mean the way animals are given anesthetic when they're "terminated"?
In the right to life world having already been born her rights are now to get a husband and have as many children as possible.
Completely inflationary rhetoric. A downright lie. Nobody in the right-to-life movement says a woman has to get married. As someone who is part of the fetal rights movement, nobody ever told me I had to have as many children as possible. That concept is completely alien to me. I can't think of a single major pro-life leader who has ever made is obligatory to do this.
Debra then quotes Lynn Paltrow of Alternet:
It must be admitted that–in addition to violating ethical principles of informed consent and lacking scientific foundation–the bill is disappointingly incomplete. It states that “there is a valid Federal Government interest in reducing the number of events in which great pain is inflicted on sentient creatures,” yet covers only “unborn children.” It leaves unprotected millions of born Americans who suffer chronic pain–including those blocked by draconian drug laws from obtaining medication to alleviate unrelenting suffering.
Every bill is "incomplete" because every bill does not set out to solve every problem in the world. This is a typical left-wing tactic: make the abortion debate about ANYTHING else but the act of killing a fetus. Do not look at the merits of the case, only cast aspersions on pro-lifers
Even if pro-lifers are the most morally inconsistent people in the world, it still says nothing about the debate!
Here again we see the right’s facination with the unborn, and complete lack of compassion for those already with us.
Oh yes, like I suppose abolitionists had a "fascination" with Black people. And yes, the unborn are among us. The unborn are not imaginary creatures that have no existence. They do exist.
Let us hope that problem is that women and those who care about them will vote these embryo obsessed law makers out in droves.
How contemptuous! Want to give rights to an embryo? You're obsessed, i.e. mentally incompetent. Do these women not love their own unborn children? Do they not see their unborn children as members of their own family?
We have to stop this bigotry against the unborn. We have to get across the message that it is not okay to speak about unborns this way. The contempt of the unborn must stop.
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