Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Defend Marriage Meeting in Milton, ON

FYI, Received via email:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

WHEN: Tuesday August 15th and Thursday August 17th
TIME: 7:30 PM
WHERE: Milton Sports Centre
605 Derry Rd
Milton ON

There will be an important meeting of people interested in Defending Marriage, Tuesday and Thursday in Garth Turner's Federal Riding of Halton.

Issues to be discussed include:

The current MP's anti-marriage position,

The current MP's public statements that people who support traditional marriage are "The Flower of Evil",

The current MP's public statements that Christians are like "The Taliban" because they disagree with his position on marriage,

Opportunities to elect a Pro Marriage Candidate to represent us in the next election.

We have an opportunity to nominate a Pro Marriage Candidate to represent us in Ottawa after the next election. Let's not let this opportunity slip by!

For more information:

Email: info@ecpcentre.org
Phone: (905) 684-4310, (613) 316-4071

Check out the Big Blue Wave Message Board