Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chauvinist SOWs.

Lefties hate stereotypes. Particularly negative female stereotypes. They are positively verboten. Dehumanizing. Sexist.

Yet, that doesn't stop them from relying on them.

Lately, a number of lefties have made negative comments about me and/or and/or the women involved in the anti-SOW blogburst and/or REAL women. I'm used to negative comments. What is so curious is that these negative comments are based on false perceptions and false stereotypes.

For example, take Le (sic!) Revue Gauche. In it, Eugene Plawiuk writes:

For women who say that a womans place is in the home, they sure do alot of public bitching about the State replacing the Church as the source of social services.

There are many ways to interpret "a woman's place is in the home". The implicit message here is that so-con women don't believe women should

  • have an individually-informed opinion
  • express that opinion
  • be outspoken about that opinion.
  • act on that opinion.
  • or be involved in the public.

Let me dispel some of the myths. Many of us are college-educated. Many of us have jobs outside the home-- sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time, sometimes with a stay-at-home husband, and sometimes not. Most of us prefer to stay home, because we believe that no one can be a full-time substitute for mom.

Just because many of us are social conservatives doesn't mean we don't believe in being active in public life. I know the left loves to believe that, but no, that is not a common belief among social conservative women.

Here are more examples of left-wing stereotyping:

Take Summer in this thread from babble:

They want all women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. In fact, someone should tell all those REAL bloggers to stop typing and get baking.

I'm not pregnant and barefoot. Or uneducated. Or servile. Or unable to reason. Or a wallflower. Or a victim. Nor are most so-con women. But I suspect many lefties need to project that image in order to create a kind of anti-feminist bogeyman that's easy to shoot down. It's easier to paint one's opponent as a false stereotype than to actually address the issues. It makes debate so dispensable.

More lefty stereotyping:

Anti-choice, anti-same sex marriage, hell -- anti-anything-since-June-Cleaver,

Ah yes, the typical "June Cleaver" comparison. Like we're all domestic dynamos in spikes ready to whip up a batch of cookies at the drop of a hat.

No, some of us are not terribly proficient on the domestic front. Sorry to disappoint.

But notice how they adopt the language of the male chauvinist pigs of yesteryear in order to make their point. They think that by repeating this non-sense, they are somehow reflecting reality, because that's how they imagine opponents to their cause really are.

Then there's charge that I've encountered before that I'm not really a woman, from here and here.

I suspect that many lefties can't believe that there are women in the world who do not agree with them-- who actively oppose their ideological stances. And when they speak out online, there is doubt about their gender. I think they have this idea that since they are defending all women from their oppression, most women would naturally agree with them.

I have a mind of my own. I make my own choices. I have a brain, an education and the ability to stand up for myself.

Here's another thing.

People assume that just because you oppose feminism, you oppose equal rights for women. Or they assume you oppose women being in the workforce. Or having an opinion.

On many points, most so-con women and feminists agree. Once upon a time, many so-con women of today would have been the feminists of yesteryear.

But somewhere along the way, to be a feminist meant to adopt the belief in legalized abortion, acceptance of homosexual behaviour, moral relativism, political correctness, androgyny and so forth.

We're not opposing feminism to go back to the kitchen to be barefoot, pregnant and silent. We're opposing feminism because, just as we don't want chauvinist men speaking for us, we don't want chauvinist women speaking for us, either.

Clearly, feminists do not represent us and think we are not worthy of respect or should be taken seriously. They're the new chauvinist pigs-- or should I say SOWs.

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