I watched this video from Abort73.com. It's a Canadian version. I thought the images were gross, but I've seen worse. They were all first trimester abortions, except for one late-term abortion. That one I couldn't watch, it was utterly vile. If you want to see what abortion really looks like, watch this video. You owe it to yourself to get educated. It was gross, but I'm pretty squeamish, and I got through most of it. By the way, the white liquid you'll see in one of the passages, that's the baby's brain. In the video on abortion techniques that I showed, hosted by Fr. Frank Pavone, the former abortionist said that when he saw white liquid coming out, he knew he had crushed the baby's skull.
Click here to watch the video
ETA: Sometimes it is claimed these photos are not real. Here's what Abort73.com has to say about that:
It is a common tactic of abortion supporters to claim that abortion photos are a fake. This is the same tactic that Holocaust deniers use. Photographic evidence is hard to argue with so those who think abortion is a good thing, will try and discredit the evidence.
The Center for Bio-ethical Reform (CBR), the organization which secured these abortion images, addresses such claims on their website, and includes the following quote from Anthony P. Levatino, M.D., J.D., who is both a physician and attorney:
I, the undersigned, having performed induced abortions earlier in my career, have examined the photos depicting the aborted human embryos and fetuses used by The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform in their public education projects (www.abortionNO.org). It is my professional opinion that the photos depict aborted human embryos and fetuses and that the depicted aborted human embryos and fetuses are accurately captioned as to age, in weeks since fertilization.
There are many other former abortionists (and some current abortionists) who will corroborate Dr. Levatino's statement. Tammy Sobieski, who works at a Florida abortion clinic, said on television, in response to the abortion pictures on CBR's trucks, "What's disheartening for me is the lack of trust they have in women, that they think women don't know that that's the reality of abortion." Almost no one in the abortion industry is as honest as Ms. Sobieski, and this a statement she likely wants back. From her own mouth, referring to the same abortion images seen on this website she says, "that's the reality of abortion."
As to the age of the embryos and fetuses pictured, that is verifiable through any of the prenatal teaching texts listed in the "Medical Testimony" section, or through prenatal websites such as.
Finally, there is the common sense question of motivation. Why would anyone make these photos up? If these pictures were all a big hoax, if abortion wasn't really destroying tiny little people, why would so many people sacrifice huge amounts of time and money to oppose abortion? It just doesn't make sense. Abortion advocates have a significant financial stake in abortion's continued availablity. It's easy to see why they argue the pictures are fake. The pro-life community, however, doesn't make money in opposing abortion. We lose money. Why would we do that in defense of a hoax. The pro-life community exists because these pictures are real, because abortion does kill people, and that's a hard reality to argue with.
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