Sunday, July 16, 2006

Christian Political Party Union Online Community

I have discovered yet another gathering spot for Bible-believing social conservatives. The Christian Political Party Union is an international community that promotes Christian political parties, like Christian Heritage Party of Canada, the US Constitution Party, the Christian Heritage Party of New Zealand, etc. It's operated by a Canadian.

Here is the "CPPU principles, and other rules" post:

Welcome to the Christian Political Party Union Board where people who are pro-life and pro-family are welcome!

The purpose of this union is to promote Christian political parties worldwide. A secondary purpose is to be a political union that is friendly to the pro-life/pro-family cause (even to those who do not want to join a Christian specific political party) and to talk about today's politics from a Christian perspective.

Unlike other parties such as the U.S. Republican party and Canada's Conservative party where some are pro-life and others are pro-abortion for example, all members of Christian political parties are *required* to be pro-life and pro-family. If such a party is elected it makes it much easier for the Christian politican to pass pro-family bills in congress or parliment when he has a whole pro-family party backing him up.

CPPU principles of the Christian Political Party Union

(Adapted from the party principles of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada)

CPPU principles are based on these Biblical ethics

1. We believe there is one Creator God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ

2. We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, inerrant written Word of God and the final authority above all man's laws and government.

3. We believe the civil government to be under the authority of God.

4. We believe the purpose of the civil government is to ensure freedom and justice for a nation's citizens by upholding law and order in accordance with Biblical principles.

5. We believe that the decision-making processes by civil government must not in any way contradict these Biblical principles.

(Members agree to and have their postings in accordance to this agreement)

Adapted From the Voter's Guide for Serious Christians:

These must never be promoted by CPPU members nor Christians abroad:




Embryonic Stem Cells (Adult and Umbilical cord stem cells are okay)

Homosexual marriage and civil unions (support marriage between one man and one woman only)

General rules

1) The purpose of this union is to promote Christian political parties worldwide. A secondary purpose is to be a political union that is friendly to the pro-life/pro-family cause (even to those who do not want to join a Christian specific political party) and to talk about today's politics from a Christian perspective.

2) Off-topic posts are allowed as long as it's marked "OT" at the front. You also have the option of using the off-topic thread.

3) No personal attacks. Talk or debate the issues, not the person.

4) Profanity has no place in mature discussion and therefore no place on the forum.

5) Racism is not allowed.

6) Threatening another member of the forum will not be tolerated.

7) Observe all the rules in Gamespot's Terms Of Service

8 ) This is not the place to discuss church doctrinal issues. This is more appropriate at the Christian Union

9) Although social conservatives from other types of parties are welcome, this is not the place to promote such parties. This simply recognizes the fact that there are those who are pro-life/pro-family who may not support them. Criticism of these parties and their leaders are allowed as long as it's kept civil.

10) Get along with everybody and enjoy each other's company.

Note: You are free to have your own opinions on non-moral issues such as the economy, health care, taxes, etc.

The following is a small list of Christian political parties:

The Christian party I belong to is the Christian Heritage Party of Canada

Americans can check out the Constitution Party

New Zealand: Christian Heritage New Zealand

Australia: Christian Democratic Party

United Kingdom: Christian People's Alliance

South Africa: African Christian Democratic Party

I think political parties should not be geared to the members of one religion alone. However, this is a great place to meet other so-cons.

My one somewhat major quibble is the ads. Some of them are pretty salacious. This board should be hosted elsewhere. But a fine initiative nonetheless.

To join, first you have to register with Gamespot.

Then you have to apply for membership at the CPPU. Click on the "Apply" button on the right.

Check out the Big Blue Wave Message Board