The Daily Mail ran an article containing women's first-person narratives about their abortions. They are featured wearing the "I had an abortion" t-shirt. It seems like a pro-abort propaganda piece. Who in the world would want to advertize the fact they killed their unborn child? Even if one does not consider abortion to be immoral, why would one advertize such a controversial thing, or announcing one had had a medical procedure. I'm sure nobody cares that I've had my gall bladder removed or that I hate feminism.
Notice how some of the women still grieve over abortions, even though they're okay with it morally. Post-abortion syndrome really does exist! Some of them even began heavy drinking.
I was somewhat irked that at least two of the women terminated her baby because the baby had medical issues-- one was disabled and the other had heart and kidney issues.
Just because a kid has a handicap, even a serious one, doesn't mean he's not going to have a good quality of life. Struggle and suffering do not preclude happiness. There are people in countries way poorer than us who live happier lives, in spite of their problems, because they do not dwell on their lives' shortcomings. I have a child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. She's fairly high-functioning, but she has communication and emotional issues. But I would say overall she's a happy kid. Even kids in hospital with terminal diseases manage to have a quality of life.
Another lady terminated her baby at 18 weeks just--because. She was "too young" and she didn't discover her pregnancy until then.
Some of the women apparently LOVED their babies and said goodbye to them, but they "loved" them so much, they killed them. Nice way of showing love. How is it that people can accept a fetus as a member of their family, but then have them terminated?
The fact of the matter is, even though abortions are often considered "hard decisions" they're still wrong and they're still selfish. Even though some women have good intentions on the surface, unconsciously they're not unselfish, they're rooted in erroneous ideas about the human person and the nature of love. You simply do not kill someone you love. I could *understand* wanting to kill an enemy, someone who had deeply hurt you (although only killing an aggressor is acceptable) but even if it's *understandable* that doesn't make it right. I can understand wanting to kill someone who hurt you. But a baby hasn't hurt you.
Feminists say that fetuses aren't persons, but some of these testimonies show that even women who abort don't ACT that way. They treat their fetuses like persons. Sociologically, the fetus is a person. We've just decided not to enshrine that fact.
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