Prejudice is a false judgment regarding people based on ignorance. We don't usually think of the erroneous statements about unborn children as "prejudice", but that is precisely what they are. It's time we called those errors by their proper name.
One of the most common prejudiced beliefs against unborn children is that they are not human beings. The unborn child has human DNA separate from his mother; he eats, moves, breathes, and reacts to his environment. He is like every other homo sapiens, except he lives in a uterus.
The ignorance about unborn children is what has led to the acceptance of abortion. So long as their real nature is hidden, people will not put up much resistance about their lack of protection. Even those women who understand who they are take advantage of society's ignorance and use its approval of abortion to do what they know is wrong. If society believed it was wrong, they would be less inclined to have an abortion, fearing social disapproval.
Even if we can convince people that the unborn child is a human being, we still to convince them that he is a person and worthy of equal rights. There are so many pro-aborts out there who call abortion justified homocide. There are so many women who are convinced abortion is the killing of a human being, but do not accord equal rights to their unborn children and go out and get abortions. They simply don't care about their unborn baby's welfare. They know they're killing a baby, but they see it as the only way out, convinced that it's killing, but not convinced that their baby deserves more.
But first, we must dispel the notion that unborn children are not human beings. Many people do not stop and think about the unborn child, or they do not have adequate information about him. If we can do this, this is already half the battle.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Stop the prejudice against unborn children
Stop the prejudice against unborn children