I was just reading an op-ed piece by an author trying to link criminalization of abortion with despotic regimes, such as Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Ceaucescu's Romania.
I was disgusted to read this guy was a professor of history (which was my major) because he should have better use of critical thinking skills.
Abortions were largely illegal at the same time in the US and Canada. Were those despotic regimes? No.
The despotic regimes in question had natalist reasons to ban abortion. Basically they were trying to increase their population, which is not the best justification for restricting abortion.
The writer completely sidelines the nature of the debate, trying to make irrelevant the notion that those who oppose abortion are making a case for the equality of the unborn child.
Many pro-abort militants don't believe that we're really serious about fetal rights. I think pro-aborts are afraid to entertain the possibility that unborn children are possibly worthy of love and respect based on their own intrinsic value, because if they concede any value whatsoever to the child, it will destroy one of the core foundation of their arguments: that the unborn child has no intrinsic value.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Spare me the hysteria
Spare me the hysteria