you'd be told it was "anti-choice" propaganda. Christina from Real Choice has uncovered a webpage advertizing for an abortion clinic.The clinic writes:
Please beware of some unethical clinics that falsely claim to do surgical abortions at 3 weeks, which is definitely not safe to attempt, since the pregnancy cannot be
seen at 3 weeks.
She writes:
Why, to even intimate that some abortion facilities might be unethical! Clearly this is antichoice propaganda!
I won't steal her thunder and quote all her blog post. Go over there and take a look!
I also loved this passage:
The patient has the second step of the second trimester abortion performed by a gynecologist with special expertise in second trimester abortions using a method called dilatation and evacuation (D&E)[which involves dismembering the fetus], which is the safest method for second trimester abortions. We use only sterilized surgical instruments and sterile, one-use-only, disposable plastic uterine curettes. In order to increase the safety for our patients, we always use ultrasound guidance during every second trimester abortion, rather than doing the abortion blindly, which is commonly done at other facilities and which is far more dangerous.
When they have to insist it's all sterile you have to wonder....