Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Even sexual libertines can be pro-life

Christina Dunigan at the Real Choice blog has some interesting comments about prejudices about pro-lifers.

She writes:

I was quite a sexual libertine when I first became a prolifer. I became more conservative after seeing the damage that casual sex does to people -- to women in particular. One kind of damage I saw sexual "liberation" doing to women was putting them on the abortion table. So we started with "Abortion is an awful, dreadful thing," as a premise, and "Therefore having sex with a woman when you're not prepared to support her through a pregnancy is wrong" grew out of it. Cheap sex is bad because it leads to the abortion table, not vice versa (abortion bad because it arises from cheap sex). And I wonder if there's a degree of "All sex is good. Sex sometimes leads to abortion. Therefore abortion is good." in the prochoice worldview.

A poster by the name of Lauren had a similar experience:

In my pro-choice days I was as sexually "liberated" as they came. In fact, I was more than willing to spout the benifits of sexual liberation to anyone who would listen.

I didn't see myself as being objectified, but I wouldn't have cared if I was. I saw objectification as some sort of badge of liberation. Like "yeah look at me and my body, I want to have sex with you as bad as you want me".

After I realized the harms of such an attitude(none of which had to do with abortion at this point) I began to question the validity of being sexually "free".