I learned of this via Free Dominion
I wish I could write some good news to you but it is getting very difficult for me to remain positive. This week, in response to a counsellor's job I had applied for, I received a letter from my superior, stating that although I was the senior most qualified applicant, I was permanently banned from any counselling jobs in my school district. This is not based on any new offense on my part. I have a very strict letter of direction which muzzles me quite thoroughly, and I have been abiding by it. Furthermore, with 25 years of counselling experience(sixteen in private practice), many letters of commendation, and not a single complaint from anyone over my counselling abilities (including those of alternate orientations) I cannot fathom why I am no longer qualified to be a counsellor. This action has effectively
blackballed me from my chosen profession, and makes it very unlikely that I would be able to find another school counselling job anywhere (one must have good references for this sort of work).
I also received notice (the same day actually), that the College of Teachers has commenced a disciplinary investigation of me for a letter to the editor I wrote last January (it outlined my political party's reasons for opposing the same sex marriage legislation--I was the official spokesperson in my riding, and ran as the candidate in the last federal election). I served a three month suspension for that "offense" already, imposed by my superiors, but the College has the authority to punish me a second time.
I would welcome your prayers as this is a very difficult time for me.
Dr. Chris Kempling M.Ed. M.A. Psy.D.
Registered Clinical Counsellor
If there are any Americans reading this, this is what you can expect if you don't support the Marriage Amendment. Fight like your lives depended on it, because that's what it might boil down to.