I usually try to think a little bit about what I'm about to post and make this neat. And possibly relevant.
I'm just going to speak my mind this time.
I think what we need is a drive to stop the bigotry against unborn children. Stuff like:
The fetus is not a human being.
The fetus is not a person.
The fetus is a blob of cells.
The fetus is not worthy of love
The fetus does not have an identity.
The fetus does not "do" anything in the womb: he does not cry, does not learn, does not react to his outside world.
This shouldn't be all about abortion. I think this has been a vulnerability in the pro-life movement. We haven't framed the movement as a fight for the unborn child-- it's framed as a fight against abortion.
All this crap about fetuses not being humans, not being individual babies, even in the face of scientific fact is PURE BIGOTRY. It's exactly the same kind of crap that used to be spewed about people of colour to justify all kinds of oppression.
I think there should be a rally to protest the bigotry of the fetus. It doesn't necessarily have to be political. The message is: there's a lot of bigotry against the fetus, and it has to stop. It may not do much about abortion (or it could) but the truth must get out. The pro-aborts do not have a leg to stand on when it comes to the beauty and worthiness of the unborn child, which is why many of them are reduced to either making this all relative, or saying that abortion is justified killing of a human being.
I have spent quite a bit of time lately arguing for the unborn child, and the bigotry is pervasive. We have to call pro-aborts on their bigotry.