Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ontario: There will be a pro-family choice in the next provincial election-- but it's up to you!

When I look at Ontario provincial politics, all I see is a great big wasteland. A big moral dump. There isn't a pro-family leader in sight. Most of the candidates are pro-aborts. What's a so-con to do?

It's time for so-cons in Ontario to stand up and be counted. I know there are lots of us. But many of us are cowed by political correctness or a sense of defeatism from not getting involved.

This is a question I want to put to you: how badly do you want so-con issues brought up at Queen's Park?

There are plenty of people who'll support de-funding abortion, or traditional marriage, or a host of other so-con policies.

The problem is, for too long, so-cons have decided to compromise and let them go. They simply did not want them badly enough.

This is why we are in the mess we're in.

If you want to turn things around, it has to start with YOU.

That's right-- you!

If you're a so-con who complains but never votes, never gets involved in party politics, never writes letters, protests, or anything else, YOU are contributing to the problem.

We have to stop waiting for others to rescue us. That's what the left is hoping we'll continue to do-- that we'll continue the same tactics, so that we can fail at them, and they can continue with their hegemony.

The Family Coalition Party may be a small party, but if every so-con in Ontario joined it, it would be a BIG party.

It's all up to you. If you're waiting for someone else to do your part, YOU are part of the problem.

If you take action, and join, and spread the word, then we can start some political momentum on the issues that are important to us. We can't make waves unless every one joins us.

It all begins with you.


I have been doing this fetal rights thing for maybe half a dozen years now. I see what effect my own efforts have had. I don't have a lot of money. I'm a stay-at-home mom. But I have a computer, some free time, and a passion to spread the culture of life. All those small effects I've had have had a big effect. I can see it. You can do it, too. But you have to start doing it today!

Support the Family Coalition Party. Get on that email list. Take out a membership. Offer to help. This is how things get done. When every one does their part.