This blog is inspired by a report in the National Catholic Register:
Calling All Catholics
National Catholic Register
May 21-27, 2006
by the Editors
Our cardinals and bishops want your help.
In June, the U.S. Senate will vote on the marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which will define marriage as between a man and a woman. The U.S. bishops are asking as many Catholics as possible to participate in the Knights of Columbus’ drive to contact their U.S. senators.
To participate, print out the Knights’ response form at or write your own letter using the information here. Find their names and addresses by typing in your Zip code at
Why homosexual “marriage” is wrong, and not just for Catholics.
World cultural and legal history has never thought of marriage as anything but one thing: the union of a man and a woman. But just as most abortion proponents want to skip the debate about when life begins and argue about “choice” instead, most homosexual activists want to skip the argument about what marriage is.
Instead, they argue about rights or about discrimination. But the fact is, the very nature of marriage is such that the law severely restricts who can and can’t marry. Marriage is restricted by age, by previous marriage status and by kinship, for starters. It excludes other pairings: roommates, brothers and sisters, and best friends.
Why does society have to restrict marriage so severely? Because marriage performs a crucial function for society. Its purpose is the propagation and protection of children, and to conform sexual relationships to morality for the public good. Homosexual “marriage” would do none of these things.
Think of it this way: If either of your own parents chose a homosexual “marriage,” you wouldn’t be here. And if you were raised by homosexuals, your childhood would likely have been very different from what it was.
If you allow homosexual marriage to happen, I GUARANTEE you will no longer have the freedom to behave in a Christian fashion. Your children will be taught gay propaganda (if they aren't already). You will be forced to treat homosexual behaviour as equivalent to heterosexual behaviour. You will be fired for speaking up. This is already happening in Canada.
Do not let this opportunity pass you by! Time is almost up for Canada, but things can happen in the US! Don't let history repeat itself! Don't wait for the Courts to institute gay marriage!