This is going to be a bit of weird post. I've tried asking this question to pro-aborts, but no one wanted to answer. They've used the weirdness of the question as an excuse to by-pass answering it, but I think it's a valid question, and maybe it should be asked more often.
The reason feminists say that abortion should be legal even if the fetus is human is that women should have complete control over what goes on inside their bodies.
But I'm wondering how far that really goes.
I would ask that you suspend disbelief for a moment, and imagine that it is possible to shrink adults to the size of a pea. Imagine that some malicious individual shrunk an adult to the size of a pea, put the adult in a life-sustaining pea-sized container (or a bit larger), with enough food and water, and then maliciously inserted the container in a woman's uterus. It could be a surgeon with a beef, or a terrorist attack. It doesn't matter. Just work with me here.
Now would that woman have the right to have that adult human suctioned out and killed with an aspirator? Or would she be morally obligated I'd be really interested in reading pro-abort opinion on this.