Thursday, April 13, 2006

POEM: Nothing Personal

Just something I slapped together:

Had she and I but met
In the local coffee shop,
I bet we would have shared a tabloid
And maybe had a cup.

Instead we met in the capital,
Manning our respective pickets.
We pummel them as degenerates.
And they shoot back we’re bigots.

I bet she’s a mom with a website
Who posts pictures of her cat.
Though I think she might like dogs.
Well, I’ll forgive her for that.

I bet she’s a good gal, deep down
Does she think the same of me?
Does she have thoughts that do not spring
From ideology?

It’s all just politics, nothing personal.
These questions fade to black
We have to win the battle.
There’s just no looking back.

Inspired by Thomas Hardy’s The Man that He Killed