I got this information from Campaign Life. They're trying to draw a list of charities associated with diseases, that do not support embryonic stem cell research. There were ninety requests for information sent out to a number of charities across Canada, and only a few were positive. So, pro-lifers, these are the good charities for now. Not included are charities that do not fund ESCR but are open to it:
The Arthritis Society of Canada
Canadian Hemochromatis Society (Iron Overload in the body)
CNIB – Canadian National Institute for the Blind
The Cancer Research Society,
200 Isabella St., Suite 305, Ottawa ON K1S 1V7
phone 613-233-9373; fax 613-233-1030; crs@src-crs.ca; http://www.cancerresearchsociety.ca
(The Canadian Cancer Society is a different group and they do embryonic stem cell research.)
The Canadian Lung Association.
So there you go! Your money is safe there!
God Bless!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Canadian Charities that Reject Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Canadian Charities that Reject Embryonic Stem Cell Research