Saturday, April 22, 2006


An editorial from Rod D. Martin at Conservative Voice:


Yes, by every conceivable measure, America is rejecting the pro-abortion movement’s absolutist regime of abortion on demand.

The proof is in the pudding. For more than a decade, the number of abortions performed each year has been declining. Vast numbers who were “pro-choice” before the partial-birth abortion debate have come to see the pro-life light, and -- for the first time since Roe -- a clear majority of America’s women reject the idea of a legal “right” to kill one’s own child.

And now comes a USA Today article demonstrating that pro-abortion extremism is in even more trouble still. Based largely on data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, it calculates what's likely to happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion becomes a state-by-state issue again.

The results are stunning, and stunningly better than most pro-lifers think.

Only 16 states are likely to continue abortion on demand -- any time, any place, for any reason -- after Roe. As you might expect, they include every state on the West Coast and almost every state in the Northeast, but only a third of the U.S. population.

By contrast, 22 states containing half of all Americans either already have enacted or are overwhelmingly likely to enact either complete or near-complete abortion bans, recognizing that the unborn child is a person, deserving of basic human rights like any other. Another 12 states are toss-ups. Once Roe is overturned, all of them could be "in play" for pro-life forces. And this two-thirds of America’s population is just four states shy of the 38 necessary to change the United States Constitution, recognizing babies as fully human just as the 13th Amendment recognized blacks.

If pro-lifers in Canada would only get off their butts and speak out, we could do this, too!